Dedicated to the Gaelic Language of the Isle of Man

Competition for best creative work in Manx

Pobble (‘people, community, folk’), is an Isle of Man Charity that supports Manx Gaelic as a community asset. Pobble announces the 2024 competition for a prize, the Aundyr Brian Stowell, for a piece of creative work in Manx.Judges will award a first prize of £200, a second of £100, two prizes of £25 for entries from primary age children, and two prizes of £25 for entries from young people of secondary school age.

The prize was previously awarded in 2019 and 2021. The prize is named in honour of the late Brian Stowell who was the first Manx Language Officer of the island, was Yn Lhaihder (reader in the Manx language) to Tynwald, recieived the Manx Heritage Foundation’s Reih Bleeaney Vanannan award in 2008, and the Tynwald Honour in 2010. Brian wrote and published many creative works, both original and translations, and was involved in broadcasting and other media.

An entry could be a poem, a story, a drama, a video, an audio recording, or a visual or musical piece with Manx text, or, for example, an article in Manx about the Manx language and history, a translation, a digital app, augmented reality, or a website service.

There is no entry fee, and competitors are free to submit as many entries as they wish. Entries should be sent, preferably electronically to, or posted to: Aundyr Brian Stowell, 3 Alexander Drive, Douglas, IM2 3QD.

The closing date for entries is 30th September 2024. Winners will be announced, and the prizes awarded during the Cooish, 6-10 November 2024.

For more information, see, or contact Pobble at 

Published: Fri, 17 May 2024